Rescue Your Team's Results

Uncover the root cause of low engagement & productivity to boost team performance

Building a dream team is every manager's aspiration, but the path to achieving that goal can be unclear. Here at WorkTripp, we understand the complexities of team dynamics, especially in today's world of hybrid and remote work. That's why we've taken a deep dive into the peer-reviewed research of leading academics like Amy Edmondson, Caroline Aubé and Vincent Rousseau, to identify the critical factors that define success in today's distributed work environments.

Understanding the stages of team performance is the key to unlocking your team’s hidden potential. Every leader wants to solve problems effectively; few recognise that trust, open communication, and clear alignment are necessary precursors to that end. So, how do you know where your team stands on the journey?

We've bridged the gap between research and action by collaborating with a research & evaluation specialist at UCL. Together, we've developed a unique set of measurable questions that pinpoint your team's strengths and areas for growth. This data-driven approach allows us to tailor our WorkTripp programmes to specifically address your team's needs, with a particular focus on establishing that all-important foundation of trust.

Here’s what it looks like.

Image shows the five stages of team performance: Trust, Communicate, Align, Solve, Develop.

Each stage has a goal - eg. Improve communication and increase productivity - and a set of success indicators to work on. Like Patrick Lencioni’s pyramid, every stage is connected and sequential: trust is critical to having uncomfortable conversations; we can’t solve problems effectively, unless we’re aligned on the goal.

Putting Theory into Action

Using stages of team performance for real-world results

Understanding the stages of team performance isn't just academic theory - it's a powerful tool for driving real change. At WorkTripp, we leverage this knowledge to guide your team towards peak performance. But how does it work in practice?

  1. Begin with the end in mind

    It’s a classic for a reason: most managers don’t have a clear outcome in mind when they get their team together - whether at an offsite, or in the office. Identifying the stage your team is at shows you what to focus on for maximum impact. Does your team know each other? Do you have a shared set of values? If the answer is ‘no’, focusing on activities that build TRUST (Stage 1) will deliver far greater ROI than diving straight into goal-setting (ALIGN, Stage 3) or problem-solving (SOLVE, Stage 4). 

    Not sure what stage your team is at? We’ve got a unique set of measurable questions that pinpoint your team's strengths and areas for growth.

  2. Tailor content to meet the objective

    Once you know what stage you’re focusing on, it’s important to use the time you have together wisely - which is easier said than done. Most people pack too much content into the programme, overwhelming participants and leaving everyone feeling lost and frazzled.

    We’ve got perfectly-paced programmes ready to help you deliver. From the right number of sessions, to the balance between activities and decompression time, to tried-and-tested workshop formats, and facilitation techniques - we’ll give you everything you need to run your offsite with ease. Each programme is tailored to your team size, how well you know each other, and stage of team performance, so you can be confident that you’re working on the right things, at the right time.

  3. Measure the results

    We’ve all been to great offsites that result in very little action afterwards. A big contributor to that is accountability. This is where goal-setting, transparency and measurement come in. A team offsite is a big time investment for everyone who takes part. Understanding why we’re getting together (linked to improving team performance), what we’re doing about it (tailored programming), and how we’re progressing (measurement), gives everyone the clarity to get on board early and contribute to the results.

    WorkTripp pre- and post-trip surveys deliver a clear impact summary that directly relates to your goals. Find out how your team is doing across each stage of team performance, benchmark against similar teams, and follow simple next steps to keep the momentum going.

The way we work has been hugely disrupted these past few years - and with the rise of AI and automation, the pace of change doesn’t look to slow any time soon. With this level of uncertainty, it’s no wonder productivity has dropped and feelings of disengagement and burnout are on the rise - making managing a team tougher than ever.

What hasn’t changed are the foundations of how groups of humans work well together: trust, communication, alignment, problem-solving, and social learning. At WorkTripp, we don’t believe that ‘one size fits all’. Our aim is to provide great frameworks and tools to show what the foundations of ‘good’ look like, while leaving plenty of room for creativity, adaptation and the messiness of being human - so your team has space to really connect.

Ready to unlock the next stage in your team's performance?

Find out more about the WorkTripp approach here.


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