How can the concept of Ikigai be used for teams?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that refers to the "reason for being" or the "thing that makes life worth living." Ikigai represents the intersection of four fundamental elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be rewarded for.

The concept of Ikigai can be valuable for remote working teams seeking in-person connection and meaningful interactions. Here are some ways how:

Identify Shared Values and Goals

Remote teams can explore their collective Ikigai by aligning their shared values and goals. By understanding the common purpose that drives their work, teams can strengthen their sense of connection and find meaning in their collaboration. This shared Ikigai serves as a guiding principle for their in-person interactions.

Foster Team Bonding and Trust

In-person connection allows team members to build stronger relationships and trust. Remote teams can create opportunities for team-building activities, workshops, or retreats that focus on cultivating trust, enhancing communication, and fostering deeper connections. These shared experiences can strengthen the team's Ikigai and sense of belonging.

Leverage Individual Strengths and Passions

Each team member has their own unique set of skills, strengths, and passions. By understanding and appreciating these individual aspects, remote teams can tap into the collective Ikigai of the team. Encouraging individuals to contribute their expertise and pursue activities they are passionate about can lead to a more engaged and fulfilled team.

Collaborate on Meaningful Projects

Remote teams can strive to work on projects that align with their collective Ikigai. By identifying initiatives that have a positive impact on the world or address societal needs, teams can find purpose and motivation in their work. Collaborating on meaningful projects can provide a shared sense of fulfillment and a deeper connection among team members.

Create Opportunities for In-Person Connection

Remote teams should prioritize in-person gatherings to foster deeper connections and facilitate meaningful interactions. This can include team retreats, periodic meetups, or attending conferences or industry events together. By coming together physically, team members can experience the power of face-to-face communication and build stronger personal bonds.

Reflect and Realign

Remote teams should regularly reflect on their collective Ikigai and assess whether their work and collaborations are still aligned with their shared purpose. This introspective practice allows teams to reevaluate their goals, adapt their strategies, and realign their activities to ensure they continue to find meaning and fulfillment in their work together.


By incorporating the concept of Ikigai, teams can deepen their sense of purpose, strengthen their bonds, and create a more fulfilling and meaningful work experience. It reminds team members of the shared values and goals that bring them together, helping to forge stronger connections and foster a sense of collective purpose.

Check out Sarah Ratner’s WorkTripp listing on Ikigai. Sarah was the COO and founding team member of a tech unicorn. She takes her experiences from this to inform her Yoga and Workplace wellness work, which you can now bring to your offsite!


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