How to Make Sure your Team Outing is Not Only Sustainable but also Inclusive!

Here are 5 ways how you can make sure your team outings are not only sustainable but also inclusive!

Sustainability isn't just about Mother Nature – it's about people too. Organising an inclusive and sustainable retreat isn't just a trend; it's a way to strengthen connections, encourage growth, and make a positive mark. In this article, we're diving into the heart of what makes a team retreat both planet-loving and people-friendly, focusing on welcoming diversity, considering various abilities, ensuring access for everyone, promoting mental well-being, and serving up eco-conscious grub.

Accommodate Diversity: Celebrating Differences, Strengthening Unity

The heart of a successful team outing lies in recognising and celebrating the diverse talents, backgrounds, and perspectives of team members. As we previously mentioned in our article regarding choosing inclusive company retreat activities, exclusion from the workplace can cause employees to feel disengaged in the company thus decreasing productivity. 

An inclusive approach ensures that everyone feels valued and included, creating an environment conducive to open communication and collaboration.

Embrace diversity through:

Tailored Activities

Plan a retreat program that includes a variety of activities, such as creative thinking exercises, workshops, and recreational pursuits, to cater to different preferences and abilities.

Cultural Awareness

According to Angela Gutchess and Suparna Rajaram in their research on how studying cultures can enrichen your mind:

“By systematically incorporating the factor of culture, we can find richer explanations and broader understanding of cognition across humanity.”

Incorporating diverse cultural elements that not only acknowledge and appreciate the multicultural makeup of your team but also foster rich understanding and high respect among colleagues.

Range of Abilities: Ensuring Every Member's Participation

When planning a team outing, it's crucial to consider the varying physical and mental abilities of participants. Creating an environment where everyone can actively engage contributes to a positive and memorable experience.

Ensure inclusivity by:

Adaptive Activities

Offer a mix of activities that accommodate different skill levels, ensuring that no team member feels left out due to physical limitations. If you have a hard time finding some ideas for your corporate retreat, here are some activities that we’ve suggested that are sustainable and inclusive!

Open Dialogue

Encourage participants to voice their preferences and requirements, allowing you to tailor the retreat's offerings to suit their needs. WorkTripp offers programmes that include team experiences, insights as well and accountability for team members to share how included or excluded they are by fellow participants.

Accessibility for All: Removing Barriers, Promoting Equity

Accessibility is no longer an option - It is a requirement. Even so, it’s not just about physical barriers; it encompasses every aspect of the team outing experience. By addressing accessibility concerns, you create an environment where all team members can fully participate and contribute.

Promote accessibility by:

Venue Selection

Choose a retreat location that offers accessible facilities, such as ramps, elevators, and properly equipped restrooms, ensuring everyone can navigate the space comfortably. We’ve written 9 key considerations when it comes to choosing the right venue for your team!


Provide all necessary information in advance, including transportation options, venue layouts, and activity schedules, enabling participants to plan accordingly.

Neuro-Considerate: Fostering a Supportive Mental Environment

The psychological safety of team members is paramount. Incorporating neuro-considerate into the corporate workplace is essential when in comes to employee retention as well as increasing productivity. A neuro-considerate approach recognises the diverse cognitive needs of participants and aims to create an environment that promotes mental health and reduces stress.

Cultivate a neuro-considerate atmosphere by:

Flexible Schedule

When designing a retreat schedule, don’t overpack the itinerary and allow for breaks and downtime. Recognise that every individual has different energy and social levels as well as cognitive processing capacities.

Quiet Spaces

Too much noise and work can cause Cognitive Overload for many employees. By designating quiet areas where team members can retreat for moments of solitude and reflection, they can recharge and foster mental rejuvenation.

Sustainable Food Options: Nourishing Both Body and Planet

Sustainability extends to every aspect of the retreat, including the culinary choices offered.  Angela Terry, the founder of OneHome UK, wrote 9 reasons why buying sustainable food is worth it – and provides a seasonal food chart to help plan your offsite meals! Providing sustainable and ethically sourced food options not only benefits the environment but also reflects a commitment to responsible decision-making.

Opt for sustainable food options by:

Local Sourcing

Partner with local farmers and suppliers to source fresh, seasonal ingredients, reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.

Plant-Based Choices

Incorporate plant-based meals into the retreat menu, showcasing a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of food consumption.


A sustainable and inclusive team retreat goes beyond the traditional notions of fun and relaxation. It's a strategic opportunity to strengthen bonds, enhance collaboration, and promote holistic well-being while embracing diversity and minimising environmental impact. By accommodating diversity, catering to a range of abilities, ensuring accessibility, adopting neuro-considerate practices, and providing sustainable food options, you can create a retreat experience that leaves a lasting positive impact on your team and the world around you.


How do I ensure that all team members feel included during the retreat?

Tailor the retreat activities to cater to diverse interests and abilities. Incorporate cultural awareness elements and encourage open communication to create an inclusive atmosphere.

What if some team members have specific accessibility requirements?

Prioritise venue selection with accessible facilities. Share detailed information in advance and be responsive to individual needs to ensure everyone can participate comfortably.

How can I promote mental well-being during the retreat?

Design a flexible schedule with breaks and quiet spaces. Provide opportunities for relaxation and reflection, recognising the importance of different cognitive needs.

What sustainable food options should I consider for the retreat?

Source local and seasonal ingredients, and offer plant-based meal choices. This showcases a commitment to sustainability and healthier dining options.


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