Keeping the Ops fire burning 🔥

WorkTripp and Operations Nation bring some much-needed warmth to February, with the community’s annual winter drinks.

It’s always a delight working with the team behind Operations Nation - the best community for operations leaders - and this year’s Winter Drinks event was no exception.

The theme was From Fire-Fighter to Fire-Keeper, as we focus on sustaining our energy and passion amid the deluge of tasks that always fall onto the Ops leader’s plate!

The brilliant Mik kicked off proceedings with an inspiring story about the critical role of the fire-keeper in indigenous communities, symbolising the heart of communal life.

Amid speed-networking, nibbles and drinks, we ran three intimate circle-sessions where we talked strategically about team connection, and each ops leader left with a plan to keep the fire stoked at their company all year-round.

We closed the evening with an enthusiastic, warm and funny open mic session, where we shared what bad habits we’re throwing into the metaphorical fire this year, and which we will help us keep our own fire burning strong.

Great event! Nice mixture of structured and unstructured - loved the invitation to join in things, but not the obligation. Very nicely held and I think it set the scene for a great event.
— Andrew, ON community member

Sophie kicking off the open mic session!

Huge thanks to our friends at Tally workspace for providing such a fabulous venue for the event!


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